Thursday, May 15, 2014

Drug-Free Withdrawal From Heroin Options

We all know that hot tubs, massages, natural sleeping aids (tart cherry and melatonin), as well as vitamins, minerals and amino acids all are great for providing some relief of heroin withdrawal symptoms. We can take long walks to remove the attention from our body and we can do stuff to take our minds off the pain. I have even heard news of a new "drug" called Elimidrol, which works to provide opiate withdrawal relief. It really isn't a drug, it is basically a combination of natural ingredients, such as kava-kava, Ginseng root, Passionflower, 5-HTP, and Melatonin. Most people say they wouldn't expect miraclesbecause it doesn't eliminate the kick. The only thing that eliminates the kick is a Subutex or Suboxone, but then you have to come off of  that, too. With the drug-free route, you are always going to have a kick. Even when you come off of Subutex and Suboxone, you are not going to feel 100%. It takes the body a while to push those opiates out.

My own personal tips for once you get over the hump of heroin detox are:

  • Drink lots of water
  • Take adequate amounts of herbs, minerals, vitamins, and amino acids
  • Get plenty of physical fitness in your day
  • Get the proper nutrition

Remember, your body is a natural machine. It is an Oxygen breathing machine. It is very resilient and it pushes to the end of all limits and survives. The body is a very complex, but stable and strong machine. Even when you attempt to kill it with opiates, it can come back. It WILL make you pay and it WILL make you hurt, but it can come back. There is no easy way to detox from opiates. There is no perfect and painless withdrawal. Remember that when you come into withdrawal from opiates, it is never 100% painless.

Monday, May 12, 2014

What is Polysubstance Dependence?

Polysubstance dependence is a condition in which a person exhibits physical or psychological dependence on several substances. The individual appears to be addicted to the feeling of intoxication and thus has no preference or allegiance to any one substance. People who suffer from polysubstance dependence usually use three different substances. The combination may consist of cocaine, alcohol and heroin or marijuana, opiates and inhalants. Medical studies have shown that alcohol is the most common substance in a large amount of polysubstance dependence cases.

The Causes of Polysubstance Dependence

The experts have not yet stated a specific cause for polysubstance dependence. The condition can arise from a number of factors such as childhood trauma, mental illness, biological factors and environmental factors. Males tend to be diagnosed with polysubstance dependence more than females are, and the age range of the people who mostly suffer from the condition is 18-24. The development of the condition may have something to do with the sufferer’s ability to deal with life troubles such as college pressure and peer pressure.

Symptoms of Polysubstance Dependence

The symptoms of polysubstance dependence are very similar to the symptoms of a single substance abuse issue. A person who has a dependence on drugs and alcohol will increase his or her intake periodically to accommodate for bodily tolerance. Friends and family members may notice the person drinking every night and consuming illegal substances at the same time. They may notice that the person is intoxicated in some form on a daily basis.

A person who suffers with polysubstance dependence will often exhibit mood swings and social isolation. He or she may avoid family gatherings and friendly meetings to consume drugs and alcohol. The person may become irritated whenever the substances run out of his or her system. The individual may get involved in criminal activities to support the habit. Loved ones may notice an increased request to borrow money. Additionally, school grades may drop and romantic relationships may suffer.

A person who is dependent on drugs will often have difficulty stopping. Stopping may be a problem even if doing such could salvage the person’s job, relationship or reputation. Once the body becomes dependent on one or several substances, professional help is usually necessary. The dependent person may need a family intervention or rehabilitation services to turn his or her life toward the path of light.

Help for Polysubstance Dependence

Help is available for families and individuals that are suffering with polysubstance dependence. The best treatment to seek for such help is inpatient treatment. Inpatient facilities offer a plethora of healthful services such as detoxification aid, individual counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy, group counseling, emotional support, relapse prevention support and more. The same facilities that provide single substance help can provide polysubstance dependence help. A person can locate a reliable inpatient facility using a number of resources.

Hundreds of online sites offer referrals to reputable rehab institutions. These referral companies offer free help and referrals 24 hours per day and seven days a week. The communication is confidential, so any person with a multiple drug problem can feel secure about speaking with a guide.

People who have medical insurance can contact their providers. Most health insurance policies offer assistance for drug addiction and mental health care. The number for these special services is usually on the back of the insurance card. 

State facilities can provide guidance and free care to individuals with polysubstance dependence issues. No one will be left alone to fight the battle of drug addiction or dependence. Caring and compassionate people are always just a phone call away.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Why Keeping Employees Happy is Vital to Productivity

Any employer worth his salt knows the importance of keeping individual and group morale on a high plane. But on what does this depend? You could be the most agreeable fellow in the world, yet get absolutely nothing done. You could be a surly taskmaster who is uniformly resented. But is there a sane middle ground between jovial pushover and ill-tempered tyrant? Of course there is. Here are some tips for building and maintaining a happy AND productive work atmosphere:

Happy = Productive

A fundamental point to understand is that a HAPPY employee is a P-R-O-D-U-C-T-I-V-E employee. If someone is not productive on his job, no amount of patting on the back or sympathy will make him a happy employee. If you want a happy staff, get them to work. Once productivity is rolling forward and people are earning their paychecks, THEN take up major and minor points relating individual and group morale – don’t neglect either step.

Tools of the Trade

Do people have what they need to do their jobs? A carpenter or mechanic without the right tools would be severely limited. An office with a broken or non-existent printer or scanner would be seriously impeded. Any job requires specific things in order to function. Without those essentials, productivity suffers and people aren’t happy anymore. But they don’t always alert you when they should. So you must ask around and take a look around yourself. You may be shocked by what you find. Work out what tools are needed and ensure they exist and are used and taken care of.


Nothing stirs up ill-feelings and outright rage more than injustice. Equity, fairness, justness, etc. are vital to maintain in a business or any activity. People deeply resent double standards, favoritism, nepotism, and other such isms. There’s nothing wrong with hiring your nephew, but if you give him the promotion when someone else does twice the work, you are making a BIG mistake. Be fair in your dealings. Always hear both sides of a dispute before making a call. Make decisions based on productivity and you’ll get more productivity.

Invite Contribution

People have good ideas. They also have bad ideas. Regardless, listen to their ideas. Discuss them. Then you can sort out which ones to act on. People like to know they are a contributing force in a group, so allow them to be so. Very often the people with the best ideas are the ones who are in there pitching, but it can also be the person looking in from outside who best sees how something can be improved. Allow a cross-flow of perspectives and you may get some dramatically productive results.


Certain extremely successful companies, like Google and the Virgin Group (Virgin Records, Virgin America, Virgin Atlantic, Virgin Galactic, etc.), have made a point of crafting a company culture that centers around PEOPLE – its employees AND its customers or users. The basic philosophy is that the company is nothing without its people, and when you invest in that it will pay dividends. The stats of those companies seem to prove a point.

While we can’t all be Google, and last I checked there was only one Richard Branson, any company can work to build a company culture that values people and productivity. Take a look at your business and if you haven’t already done so, look at what makes it unique in its field and start laying down some of the basics of your company’s culture.


“Company Policy” does not mean everyone acts like a robot and only does what they are told and nothing more and nothing less. It is the opposite of that. Good, sound, sensible policy means you have a yardstick for operation and a set of standards to adhere to, not because you are a mindless automaton, but because you have pride in accomplishment. Your company’s culture and policy should be integrated, meaning they should mesh together with the same purpose, the same vision, the same spirit.


Want to increase productivity and happiness? Move faster. Get others to move faster. Who wants to work in a slow and sluggish workplace? But that is just the start. Isolate what is slowing or stopping operations or processes and take remedial action. Free up communication channels and production channels. You’ll breathe sighs of relief as you do so and so will your employees.


Don’t forget to have a good time. If it isn’t fun, it probably isn’t really worth doing in the first place. Ask any child. Nothing beats fun. You may have deducted that “happiness” and “productivity” and “fun” are inextricably linked. Cultivate an atmosphere wherein all three exist in abundance. “Work” should for the most part be fun and enjoyable. The difference is in the attitude. If you approach work as arduous, difficult and not fun, then it will be arduous, difficult and not fun. If you approach it as worthwhile, animate and adventurous, then that is what it will be.


